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11 ways to reduce premature skin aging

11 ways to reduce premature skin aging

Our skin ages due to a variety of factors. Some things we have no control over, while others we can influence.

The natural ageing process is one thing we can't modify. It is really important. We all develop visible lines on our faces over time. Our faces naturally lose some of their youthful fullness as we age. Our skin appears to be becoming thinner and drier. When these changes occur is primarily determined by our genes. Intrinsic ageing is the medical term for this form of ageing.

Another type of ageing that affects our skin can be influenced. Our lifestyle choices and the environment we live in can cause our skin to age prematurely. "Extrinsic ageing" is the medical term for this form of ageing. We can slow the impact of this form of ageing on our skin by taking some preventive measures.

11 ways to reduce premature skin aging

Our skin ages prematurely as a result of exposure to the sun. Other things we do can cause our skin to age faster than it would normally. Dermatologists provide their patients the following advice to assist them avoid premature skin ageing.

1. Every day, protect your skin from the sun. Sun protection is vital whether you're at the beach or running errands. Seek shade, cover up with sun-protective clothes — such as a lightweight, long-sleeved shirt, slacks, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protective sunglasses — and use broad-spectrum, SPF 30 (or greater), water-resistant sunscreen. Every day, apply sunscreen to all exposed skin that is not covered by clothing. Look for garments with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) marking for better protection.

2. Rather than getting a tan, use self-tanner. Your skin ages prematurely every time you acquire a tan. This is true whether you tan outdoors, in a tanning bed, or with other indoor tanning equipment. All generate damaging UV rays that hasten the ageing of your skin.

3. Stop smoking if you do. Smoking hastens the ageing process of the skin. It develops creases and a sallow, lifeless appearance.

4. Avoid making the same facial expressions over and over. When you make a facial expression, the muscles beneath your skin contract. These lines become permanent if you tense the same muscles repeatedly over a long period of time. Squinting lines can be reduced by wearing sunglasses.

5. Consume a nutritious, well-balanced diet. According to the findings of a few studies, eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables can help prevent damage that causes premature skin ageing. According to study, a diet high in sugar or other refined carbs can hasten the ageing process.

6. Consume fewer alcoholic beverages. The skin is irritated by alcohol. It dehydrates the skin and destroys it over time. This can make us appear to be older.

7. Most days of the week, you should exercise. According to the findings of a few studies, moderate exercise can enhance circulation and strengthen the immune system. As a result, the skin may appear to be more youthful.

8. Gently cleanse your skin. Scrubbing your skin clean can cause irritation. Irritating your skin hastens the ageing process. Gentle washing removes pollutants, makeup, and other impurities from your skin without causing irritation.

9.Wash your face twice a day, especially if you've been sweating a lot. Perspiration irritates the skin, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, so you should wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.

10. Apply a facial moisturizer every day. Moisturizer traps water in our skin, giving it a more youthful appearance.

11. Stop using stinging or burning skin care products. It signifies your skin is irritated when it burns or stings. It might make your skin look older if you irritate it.

Never too late to benefit

Even persons who already show indications of premature ageing on their skin can benefit from lifestyle modifications. You give your skin a chance to recover some of the harm it has sustained by protecting it from the sun. When people quit smoking, they often discover that their skin looks better.